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  1. S. Qin, B. Krohn, V. Petrov, A. Manera, “Velocity and Scalar Fields of a Turbulent Buoyant Jet in the Self-Similar Region”, Nuclear Technology, 1-15 (2019).
  2.  R.K. Salko, W.D. Pointer, M.O. Delchini, W.L. Gurecky, K.T. Clarno, S.R. Salttery, V. Petrov, A, Manera, “Implementation of a Spacer Grid Rod Thermal-Hydraulic Reconstruction (ROTHCON) Capability into the Thermal-Hydraulic Subchannel Code CTF”, Nuclear Technology (2019).
  3.  B Krohn, S Qin, J Downing, V Petrov, A Manera, “An Experimental Study of Local Self-Similarity in the Mixing Transition of a Turbulent Free Jet”, Nuclear Science and Engineering 193 (1-2), pp. 171-184 (2019).
  4.  S Qin, B Krohn, J Downing, V Petrov, A Manera, “High-Resolution Velocity Field Measurements of Turbulent Round Free Jets in Uniform Environments”, Nuclear Technology 205 (1-2), pp. 213-225 (2019).
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  1. M. Wang, A. Manera, M.J. Memmott, J.C.Lee, S.Qiu, Preliminary design of the I2S-LWR containment system, Annals of Nuclear Energy,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2018.03.014 (2018)
  2. Wysocki A., Manera A., Downar T., March-Leuba J. 2018, Investigation of rotating mode behavior in BWR out-of-phase limit cycle oscillations – Part 2: TRACE/PARCS model and physical explanation, Annals of Nuclear Energy. 122, 378-392 (2018).
  3. Wysocki A., Manera A., Downar T., March-Leuba J. 2018, Investigation of rotating mode behavior in BWR out-of-phase limit cycle oscillations – Part 1: Reduced order model, Annals of Nuclear Energy. 122, 393-407 (2018).
  4. Wang M., Manera A., Petrov V., Qiu S., Tian W., Su G.H. 2018, Numerical Study of Integral Inherently Safe Light Water Reactor in Case of Inadvertent DHR Operation Based on the Multiscale Method, Nuclear Technology, 203(2), 194-204 (2018).
  5. Krohn B., Manera A., Petrov V. 2018, A novel method to create high density stratification with matching refractive index for optical flow investigations, Experiments in Fluids, 59(4), (2018).
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  1. T.P. Grunloh, A. Manera, “A novel multi-scale domain overlapping CFD/STH coupling methodology for multi-dimensional flows relevant to nuclear applications”, Nuclear Engineering and Design 318, pp. 85-108 (2017).
  2. A.J. Dave, A. Manera, M. Beyer, D. Lucas, M. Bernard, “Evaluation of two-group interfacial area transport equation model for vertical small diameter pipes against high-resolution experimental data”, Chemical Engineering Science 162, pp. 175-191 (2017).
  3. A.M. Ward, M. Wang, M.D. Neumann, M. Memmott, A. Manera, T.J. Downar, “A simulation of I2S-LWR selected transients”, Annals of Nuclear Energy (2017).
  4. K.R. McCarroll, J.C. Lee, A. Manera, M.J. Memmott, P. Ferroni, “Preliminary risk assessment of the Integral Inherently-Safe Light Water Reactor”, Annals of Nuclear Energy 100, pp. 89-102 (2017).
  5. M.J. Memmott, A. Manera, J. Boyack, S. Pacheco, M. Wang, B. Petrovic, “The primary reactor coolant system concept of the integral, inherently-safe light water reactor”, Annals of Nuclear Energy 100, pp. 53-67 (2017).
  6. V. Petrov, D. Nunez, J. Downing, A. Dave, A. Manera, “High resolution experiments of velocity and concentration fluctuations in a jet flow”, Nuclear Engineering and Design 312, pp. 361-374 (2017).
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  1. Dave, A., Manera, A., Beyer, M., Lucas, D., Prasser, H.-M., “Uncertainty Analysis of an Interfacial Area Reconstruction Algorithm and its application to Two Group Interfacial Area Transport Equation Validation”, accepted for publication in Nucl. Eng. Des. (2016)
  2. Petrov, V., Nunez, D., Downing, J., Dave, A., Manera, A., “High resolution experiments on velocity and concentration fluctuations in a jet flow”, Nucl. Eng. Des. in press (2016).
  3. McCarroll, K.R., Lee, J.C., Manera, A.,Memmott, M.J., Ferroni, P., “Preliminary risk assessment of the Integral Inherently-Safe Light Water Reactor”, Annals of Nuclear Energy in press (2016).
  4. Memmott, M.J., Manera, A., Boyack, J., Pacheco, S., Wang, M., Petrovic, B., “The primary reactor coolant system concept of the integral, inherently-safe light water reactor”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, in press (2016).
  5. Wang, M., Manera, A., Qiu, S., Su, G.H., “Ammonia-Water mixture Property Code (AWProC) development, verification and Kalina cycle design for nuclear power plant”, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 91, pp. 26 – 37 (2016)
  6. Boy, G.A., Jani, G., Manera, A., Memmott, M., Petrovic, B., Rayad, Y., Stephane, L., Suri, N., “Improving collaborative work and project management in a nuclear power plant design team: A human-centered design approach”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 91, pp. 555 – 565 (2016)
  7. Walter, D., Manera, A., “Adaptive burnup stepsize selection using control theory for 2-D lattice depletion simulations”, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 88, pp. 218 – 230 (2016).
  8. Grunloh, T., Manera, A., “A novel domain overlapping strategy for the multiscale coupling of CFD with 1D system codes with applications to transient flows”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 90, pp. 422 – 432 (2016).
  9. Petrov, V., Kendrick, B., Walter, D., Manera, A., Secker, J., “Prediction of CRUD deposition on PWR fuel using a state-of-the-art CFD-based multi-physics computational tool”, Nuclear Energy and Design (CFD4NRS-5 special issue), 299, pp. 95 – 104 (2016).
  10. Walter, D., Manera, A., “CRUD and Boron Layer 2-D Modeling Requirements using MOC Neutron Transport”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 87 (2), pp. 388 – 399 (2016).
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  1. Walter, D., Petrov, V., Kendrick, B., Manera, A., Collins, B., Downar, T., “Proof-of-principle of High-Fidelity Coupled CRUD Deposition and Cycle Depletion Simulation”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 85, pp. 1152-1166 (2015).
  2. Memmott, M., Manera, A., “The Use of Flashing Drums and Microchannel Heat Exchangers to Generate Steam in Large Integral Light Water Reactors”, Nuclear Technology, 191 (3) (2015).
  3. Wysocki, A., Ward, A., Manera, A., Downar, T., Xu, Y., March-Leuba, J., Thurston, C., Hudson, N., Ireland, A. “The Modeling of Advanced BWR Fuel Designs with the NRC Fuel Depletion Codes PARCS/PATHS”, Nuclear Technology, 190 (3), pp. 323 – 335 (2015).
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  1. Wysocki, A., March-Leuba, J., Manera, A., Downar, T., “TRACE/PARCS analysis of out-of-phase power oscillations with a rotating line of symmetry”, Ann. Nucl. Energy, 67, pp. 59-69 (2014).
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  1. Freixa, J., Kim, T.-W., Manera, A., “Post-test thermal-hydraulic analysis of two intermediate LOCA tests at the ROSA facility including uncertainty evaluation”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 264, pp. 153-160 (2013).
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  1. Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., Leyer, S., “Investigations on the behavior of the KERENA emergency condenser: analytical and experimental studies”, accepted for publication in Nucl. Eng. Des., 264, pp. 153 -160 (2013)
  2. Drzewiecki, T., Asher, I., Grunloh, T., Petrov, V., Fidkowski, K., Manera, A., Downar, T. “Parameter Sensitivity Study of Boiling and Two-Phase Flow Models in CFD”, Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 4(4) pp. 411 – 426, NURETH-14 special issue (2012).
  3. Kim, T., Petrov, V., Manera, A., Lo, S., “Analysis of Void Fraction Distribution and Departure from Nucleate Boiling in Single Subchannel and Bundle Geometries using Subchannel System and Computational Fluid Dynamics Codes”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, PSBT special issue, paper ID 746467 (2012).
  4. Freixa, J., Kim, T., Manera, A., “Thermal-hydraulic analysis of an intermediate LOCA tests at the ROSA facility including uncertainty evaluation”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 249, pp. 97-103, NURETH-14 special issue (2012).
  5. J. Freixa, A. Manera, “Remarks on Consistent Development of Plant Nodalizations: An Example of Application to the ROSA Integral Test Facility”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Vol. 2012, Article ID 158617 (2012).
  6. Freixa, J., Kim, T., Manera, A., “Thermal-hydraulic analysis of an intermediate LOCA test at the ROSA facility including uncertainty evaluation”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 249, pp. 97-103 (2012).
  7. Kozmenkov, Y., Rohde, U., Manera, A., “Validation of the RELAP5 code for the modeling of flashing-induced instabilities under natural-circulation conditions using experimental from the CIRCUS facility”,Nucl. Eng. Des., 243, pp. 168-175 (2012).
  8. Andreani, M., Bittermann, D., Marsault, Ph., Antoni, 0., Kereszturi, Schlagenhaufer, M., Manera, A., Seppala, M., Kurki, J., “Evaluation of a preliminary safety concept for the HPLWR”, Progress of Nuclear Energy, 55, pp. 68-77 (2012).
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  1. Perez. M., Reventos, F., et al., Manera, A., “Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of a LBLOCA in a PWR nuclear power plant: result of the Phase V of the BEMUSE programme”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 241 (10), pp. 4206-4222 (2011).
  2. V. Petrov, A. Manera, “Effect of pump-induced cold-leg swirls on the flow field in the RPV of the EPR – CFD investigations and comparison with experimental results”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 241 (5), pp. 1478-1485 (2011).
  3. K. Nikitin, A. Manera, “Analysis of an ADS spurious opening event at a BWR/6 by means of the TRACE code”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 241 (6), pp. 2240-2247 (2011).
  4. J. Freixa, A. Manera, “Verification of a TRACE EPR model on the basis of a scaling calculation of an SBLOCA ROSA test”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 241 (3), pp. 888-896 (2011).
  5. D. Bertolotto, A. Manera, R. Macian-Juan, R. Chawla, “Improvements of the one-dimensional dissolved solute convection equation using the QUICKEST-ULTIMATE algorithm”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 241 (1), pp. 245-256 (2011).
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  1. Walker, C., Manera, A., Niceno, B., Simiano, M., Prasser, H.-M., “Steady-state RANS simulations of the mixing in a T-junction”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 240 (9), pp. 2107-2115 (2010).
  2. M. Perez, F. Reventos, L. Batet, R. Pericas, I. Toth, P. Bazin, A. de Crecy, P. Germain, S. Borisov, Horst Glaeser, T. Skorek, J. Joucla, P. Probst, A. Ui, B. Chung, D.-Y. Oh, M. Kyncl, R. Pernica, A. Manera, F. D’Auria, A. Petruzzi, A. Del Nevo, “Main results of Phase IV BEMUSE project. Simulation of LBLOCA in a NPP”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installation, Vol. 2010, ID 219294 (2010).
  3. Rohde, M., Marcel, C.P., Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., “Experimental and numerical investigations on the ESBWR stability performance”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 240(2), pp. 375-384, NURETH-12 special issue (2010).
  4. J. Freixa, A. Manera, “Analysis of an RPV upper head SBLOCA at the ROSA facility using TRACE”,Nucl. Eng. Des., 240 (7), pp. 1779-1788 (2010).
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  1. Manera, A., Ozar, B., Paranjape, S., Ishii, M., Prasser, H.-M., “Comparison between wire-mesh sensors and conductive needle-probes for measurements of two-phase flow parameters”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 239 (9), pp. 1718-1724, ICONE-15 special issue (2009).
  2. D. Bertolotto, A. Manera, S. Frey, H-M. Prasser, R. Chawla, “Single-Phase Mixing Studies by means of a Directly Coupled CFD/System-code Tool”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 36 (3), pp. 310-316, Physor-2008 special issue (2009).
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  1. Barten, W., Manera, A., “One- and two-dimensional pressure waves using the US-NRC nuclear system analysis code TRACE”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 238 (4), pp. 2568-2582 (2008).
  2. Barten, W., Jasiulevicius, A., Manera, A., Macian-Juan, R., Zerzak, O., “Analysis of the capability of system codes to model cavitation water hammers: simulation of UMSICHT water hammer experiments with TRACE and RELAP5”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 238 (4), pp. 1129-1145 (2008).
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  1. Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., Lucas, D., “Experimental investigations on bubble turbulent dispersion in a vertical large-diameter pipe for bubbly and slug flow regimes by wire-mesh sensors and correlation techniques”, Nuclear Technology, 158, pp. 275-290, NURETH-11 special issue (2007).
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  1. Prasser, H.-M., Beyer, M., Carl, H., Manera, A., Pietruske, H., Schutz, P., Weiss, F.-P., “The multipurpose thermalhydraulic test facility TOPFLOW: an overview on experimental capabilities, instrumentation and results”, Kerntechnik, 71 (4), pp. 163-173 (2006).
  2. Lucas, D., Krepper, E., Prasser, H.-M., Manera, A., “Investigations on the stability of the flow characteristics in a bubble column”, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 29 (9), pp. 1066-1072 (2006).
  3. Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., Lucas, D., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., “Three-dimensional flow visualization and bubbles size distributions in stationary and transient upward flashing flow”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 32, pp. 996-1016 (2006).
  4. Schaefer, F., Manera, A., “Investigations of flashing-induced instabilities at CIRCUS test facility with the code ATHLET”, Int. J. Nuclear Science and Technology, 2 (3), pp. 209-218 (2006).
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  1. Lucas, D., Prasser, H.-M., Manera, A., “Influence of the lift force on the stability of a bubble column”,Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (13), pp. 3609-3619 (2005).
  2. Manera, A., Rohde, U., Prasser, H.-M., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., “Modeling of flashing-induced instabilities in the start-up phase of natural circulation BWRs using the two-phase flow code FLOCAL”,Nucl. Eng. Des., 235 (14), pp. 1517-1535 (2005).
  3. Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., Rohde, U., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., “Suitability of drift-flux models, void-fraction evolution and 3D flow pattern visualization during stationary and transient flashing flow in a vertical pipe”, Nuclear Technology, 152, pp. 38-53, NURETH-10 special issue (2005).
  4. Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., van Dam, H., “On the determination of transit times during flow oscillation by means of noise analysis techniques”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 32 (7), pp. 693-711 (2005).
  5. Aguirre. C, Caruge, D., Castrillo, F., Dominicus, G., Geutjes, A.J., Saldo, V., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Hennig, D., Huggenberger, M., Ketelaar, K.C.J., Manera, A., Munoz-cobo, J.L., Prasser, H.-M., Rohde, U., Royer, E., Yadigaroglu, G., “Natural circulation and stability performance of BWRs (NACUSP)”,Nucl. Eng. Des., 235, pp. 401-409 (2005).
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  1. Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., “Stability of natural-circulation-cooled Boiling Water Reactors during startup: experimental results”, Nuclear Technology, 143, pp. 77-88 (2003).
  2. Manera, A., Zboray, R., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., “Assessment of linear and nonlinear auto-regressive methods for BWR stability monitoring”, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 43, pp. 321-327, SMORN-8 special issue (2003).
  3. De Kruijf, W.J.M., Ketelaar, K.C.J., Avakian, G., Gubernatis, P., Caruge, D., Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Yadigaroglu, G., Dominicus, G., Rohde, U., Prasser, H.-M., Castrillo, F., Huggenberger, M., Hennig, D., Munoz-Cobo, J.L., Aguirre, C., “Planned experimental studies on natural circulation and stability performance of boiling water reactors in four experimental facilities and first results (NACUSP)”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 221, pp. 241-250 (2003).
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  1. Van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Manera, A., de Kruijf, W.J.M., “Experiments on flashing and flashing induced instabilities during the start-up of natural-circulation-cooled Boiling Water Reactors”, Archives of Thermodynamics, 23 (3), pp. 105-118, HEAT-2002 special issue (2002).
  2. Van Bragt, D.D.B., de Kruijf, W.J.M., Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., van Dam, H., “Analytical modeling of flashing-induced instabilities in a natural circulation cooled boiling water reactor”, Nucl. Eng. Des., 215, pp. 87-98 (2002).
  3. Furuya, M., Manera, A., van Bragt, D.D.B., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., de Kruijf, W.J.M., “Effect of liquid density differences on boiling two-phase flow stability”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39, 10 (2002).