Lab Directors

Prof. Annalisa Manera

2495 Cooley Building
2355 Bonisteel Boulevard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2104

Phone: (+1) 734 647 2433
Fax:    (+1) 734 763 4540

Dr. Victor Petrov
Research Scientist

2010 NEL Building
2301 Bonisteel Boulevard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2104

Phone: (+1) 734 763 4626
Fax:    (+1) 734 763 4540

Dr. Robert Adams
Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Michigan

Dr. Quynh M. Nguyen
Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Michigan

Dr. Dongyeol Yeo
Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Michigan

Julio Diaz
PhD Candidate

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Gamma Ray CT imagining reconstruction of two-phase flow.
Brandon LaFleur
PhD Candidate

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Uncertainties in high-fidelity multi-physics simulations

Nick Adamowicz
PhD Candidate

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Advanced coupling schemes for high-fidelity multiphysics models
John Downing
PhD Candidate

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Thermal fatigue in branch lines.
Daniel Nunez
PhD Candidate

University of Michigan

Research topic:
CFD simulations and experiments on rectangular jets interactions and propagation of stratified fronts

Sunming Qin
PhD Candidate

University of Michigan

Research topic:
High resolution measurements of buoyant jets in stratified environments

Zach Welker
PhD Pre-candidate
Aaron Huxford
PhD Pre-candidate
Pei-Hsun Huang
PhD Pre-candidate
Jiaxin Mao
PhD Pre-candidate

If not clear, he loves Colorful Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Meet Patel
Master Student Mechanical Engineering

David Breitenmoser
Visiting Master Student / ETHZ (Switzerland)
Benedikt Krohn
Postdoctoral Fellow
Yuqiao Fan
Master Student / Nuclear Engineering 2016-2017

University of Michigan

Consuelo Gomez-Zarzuela Quel
Visiting PhD Student/ Nuclear Engineering

University of Valencia

Research topic:
CFD boiling models
Kui Zhang
Visiting PhD Candidate / CSC Fellow

Xi’an Jiaotong University

Research topic:
High-resolution void-fraction distribution in a BWR mock-up using gamma-tomography
Dan Walter
PhD student 2011 – 2015, Postdoctoral Fellow 2016

University of Michigan

Research topic:
High fidelity prediction of CRUD deposition using coupled neutron transport, CFD and chemistry
Current position:
Nuclear Engineer at Terrapower
Tim Grunloh
PhD Candidate

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Development of a multiscale thermal-hydraulic tool for nuclear power plant safety analyses using the US NRC TH system code TRACE and the CFD code STAR-CCM+
Akshay Dave

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Validation and further development of interfacial area transport equation using high-resolution two-phase flow experimental data
Dr. Xinquan Zhou
Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Michigan

Research topic:
High-resolution measurements of buoynant jets using PIV and PLIF
Christian Bolesch
Visiting Master Student 2012

ETH-Zurich, Switzerland

Research topic:
Effect of thermal-hydraulics fidelity on the prediction of isotopics distribution and crud deposition on fuel rods during depletion

Michael Crabtree
Master Student / Nuclear Engineering, 2013 – 2014

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Design of passive systems for a novel integral PWR
Andy Bielen
PhD Student – January 2015

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Effect of fuel behaviour on core depletion, including uncertainty
Current position: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Kerstin Cramer
Visiting Master Student 2013

ETH-Zurich Switzerland

Research topic:
Validation of CFD against experimental data on buoyancy-driven flows
Current position: Phd Candidate at University of Luxembourg
Tim Drzewiecki
PhD Student – November 2013

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Development of the AGREE code for analyses of gas reactors, including adjoint-method based uncertainty methodologies
Current position: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Molly McCulloch
Master Student / Nuclear Engineering, 2013 – 2014

University of Michigan

Dana Miranda
Master Student / Nuclear Engineering 2011 – 2013

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Validation and further development of the PARCS TH module
Current position: Edison Engineer at General Electric
Javier Aparicio Martinez
Visiting Master Student 2015

University of Munich, Germany

Research topic:
CFD pre-test and post-test analysis of NGNP Reactor Core Cooling Cavity system (RCCS)
Dr. Thien Nguyen
Postdoctoral Fellow 2014 – 2015

University of Michigan

Research topic:
PIV/PLIF measurements for single-phase flows / Reactor Cavity Cooling System
Current position: Assistant Research Professor at Texas A&M
Scott Richards
Master Student / Nuclear Engineering 2013 – 2014

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Multi-physics simulations of CRUD deposition on PWR fuel rods – impact of subchannel TH approximation
Mingjun Wang
Visiting PhD Candidate / CSC Fellow

Xi’an Jiaotong University

Research topic:
Design of a inherently safe 1000 MWe integral PWR
Current position: Lecturer at X’ian University
Aaron Wysocky
PhD student and Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Michigan

Research topic:
Investigation of rotating modes in BWR instabilities (PhD dissertation) Reconstruction methods for fan-beam gamma tomography (post-doc appointment).
Current position: Research scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Zhaoming Meng
Visiting PhD Candidate

Xi’an Jiaotong University