Lab Directors
2495 Cooley Building
2355 Bonisteel Boulevard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2104
Phone: (+1) 734 647 2433
Fax: (+1) 734 763 4540
2010 NEL Building
2301 Bonisteel Boulevard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2104
Phone: (+1) 734 763 4626
Fax: (+1) 734 763 4540
University of Michigan
University of Michigan
University of Michigan
University of Michigan
Research topic:Gamma Ray CT imagining reconstruction of two-phase flow.
University of Michigan
Research topic:
Uncertainties in high-fidelity multi-physics simulations
University of Michigan
Research topic:Advanced coupling schemes for high-fidelity multiphysics models
University of Michigan
Research topic:Thermal fatigue in branch lines.
University of Michigan
Research topic:
CFD simulations and experiments on rectangular jets interactions and propagation of stratified fronts
University of Michigan
Research topic:
High resolution measurements of buoyant jets in stratified environments
If not clear, he loves Colorful Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
University of Michigan
University of Valencia
Research topic:CFD boiling models
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Research topic:High-resolution void-fraction distribution in a BWR mock-up using gamma-tomography
University of Michigan
Research topic:High fidelity prediction of CRUD deposition using coupled neutron transport, CFD and chemistry
Current position:
Nuclear Engineer at Terrapower
University of Michigan
Research topic:Development of a multiscale thermal-hydraulic tool for nuclear power plant safety analyses using the US NRC TH system code TRACE and the CFD code STAR-CCM+
University of Michigan
Research topic:Validation and further development of interfacial area transport equation using high-resolution two-phase flow experimental data
University of Michigan
Research topic:High-resolution measurements of buoynant jets using PIV and PLIF
ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
Research topic:Effect of thermal-hydraulics fidelity on the prediction of isotopics distribution and crud deposition on fuel rods during depletion
University of Michigan
Research topic:Design of passive systems for a novel integral PWR
University of Michigan
Research topic:Effect of fuel behaviour on core depletion, including uncertainty
Current position: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
ETH-Zurich Switzerland
Research topic:Validation of CFD against experimental data on buoyancy-driven flows
Current position: Phd Candidate at University of Luxembourg
University of Michigan
Research topic:Development of the AGREE code for analyses of gas reactors, including adjoint-method based uncertainty methodologies
Current position: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
University of Michigan
University of Michigan
Research topic:Validation and further development of the PARCS TH module
Current position: Edison Engineer at General Electric
University of Munich, Germany
Research topic:CFD pre-test and post-test analysis of NGNP Reactor Core Cooling Cavity system (RCCS)
University of Michigan
Research topic:PIV/PLIF measurements for single-phase flows / Reactor Cavity Cooling System
Current position: Assistant Research Professor at Texas A&M
University of Michigan
Research topic:Multi-physics simulations of CRUD deposition on PWR fuel rods – impact of subchannel TH approximation
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Research topic:Design of a inherently safe 1000 MWe integral PWR
Current position: Lecturer at X’ian University
University of Michigan
Research topic:Investigation of rotating modes in BWR instabilities (PhD dissertation) Reconstruction methods for fan-beam gamma tomography (post-doc appointment).
Current position: Research scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Xi’an Jiaotong University